Fairytale Travel Company – St Lucia

Where St Lucia is in the world

This company database will help you find out:

You can find out more information by looking at the maps below.



A map of St Lucia



WPIT employees, here is the information about bats that I promised to send you from your training course. You can remember everything I taught you about British bats here. It will help you if you have any problems in the future!  Don’t forget that bats are the only mammals that can fly. You can find out more facts here too. 


Florence Nightingale webquest

Florence Nightingale

Who was Florence Nightingale ? What did she want to be?  Why did she go to Scutari? Where is Scutari? What would a map of her life look like?

    Why was there a war in the Crimea? What was it like in the hospital? What jobs  did the nurses do? (tip-go to page 7). What might a soldier have written home to his family? What happened when Florence came back to England? What would a timeline of her life look like?